Expectant Father Survey extracts ~ Almost a dad

Expectant Father Survey extracts

So far I've gotten some great information from other dads about their experiences with pregnant women in our expectant father survey. I'd like to share a few highlights from current and expectant fathers which I found interesting. They may shed some light on pregnancy from a dad's point of view.

- 50% of respondents were completely surprised by atypical or 'crazy' behavior from their partners.

- 50% of all respondents rated financial concerns as the most significant source of stress during pregnancy.

- 83% of expectant fathers talk to their pregnant partner's belly, half on a daily basis and 1/3 "every now and then"

- Yelling and frequent mood swings were the most commonly reported abnormal behavior reported in their partners.

- Two thirds of respondents felt that information for expectant fathers was "spotty, but out there."

Please keep the responses coming, and I'll publish the full set of results when finished.


fishwithoutbicycle said...

I love your blog, it makes me laugh out loud. I sent the link to my 7months pregnant friend in England so she can pass on your wisdom to her fiance :-)

Michael Detwiler said...

great blog!

My beautiful wife is pregnant and we're set to deliver in October.


Anonymous said...

Great blog indeed aleast those advices helped me a lot I'm glad I'm nt alone here